defective rate

英 [dɪˈfektɪv reɪt] 美 [dɪˈfektɪv reɪt]




  1. Optimal Order Quantity Model with Fuzzy Defective Rate and Service Level Constraint
  2. Because it is difficult to control rolling process of molybdenum sheet, there is much defective material and low rate of finished products.
  3. The application of simulation platform in antennae engineering will provide the theoretical guidance and assistance to the antenna structural designers, also improve antenna design and manufacturing efficiency, reduce defective rate and cut down the design and manufacturing cost.
  4. Results The anesthesia death rate of A hospital is 49,92/ 100, 000.Conclusion there are irrationality on equipping with resources of A hospital, workload over and disturbance in life pattern associated with work, defective management, and then anesthesia death rate is increasing.
  5. The issuance of recall information play an important role in the whole process of defective vehicle recalls. To obtain higher recall response rate, we must make good use of the publicity work.
  6. At the same time it is helpful to yield increasing, material consuming reduction, the reduction of the rate of defective products and the improving of operation rate of equipment.
  7. The distribution of the number of items detected as defective one in a sample from a population in which the rate of defective items is known is a bivariate binomial-binomial distribution, when the detection is errorneous with nonzero probability.
  8. Analysis and Countermeasures for Defective BC Matched List of a 74 cm PF CPT with Middle Distinguish Rate for Digital TV
  9. Subsequently, the probability distribution method of random variable function is used to derive the formulae of probability distribution and statistic expectation of the defective rate of piles in testing the overall quality of a pile foundation.
  10. On the other side, there are some problems: defective market entity, imperfect trading mechanism, inadequate supervision, not yet a prime interest rate.
  11. In the network planning, taking into account the recovery rate books, sales rate, defective rate, re-shelves books, as well as a variety of books returned to publishers, and analyzes the sales rate, the recovery of the changes in gross profit impact.